Date back to before 1700, wallpaper is a material used in interior decoration to decorate the interior walls of domestic and public buildings.

Wallpaper types include painted wallpaper, hand-printed blockwood wallpaper, hand-printed stencil wallpaper, machine-printed wallpaper, and flock wallpaper, etc.; with variety of colors.
Here below is a set of cool pics that show what wallpapers looked like in the 1950s.

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s

Wallpapers in the 1950s